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WOOF! WOOF! How to Take Care of Your Dog

Taking care of dogs is really hard, based on my experience when you take care of dogs it’s like you are taking care of your child. They have a lot of needs, shelter, food, medication when they are sick, care, and especially your love. But it is important that you take care of them. The fact that they also have needs like a child, like a human, we must take care of them. It is important to have someone who looks after you especially in times of need. It is not important whether the dog you're taking care of is domesticated or the one that is free-roaming or in other terms the stray dogs. The important thing here is that we help them in every way we can.

For the guidelines or steps on how we can take care of and help dogs, follow the things listed below.


  1. Take the dog to a safe place, use food to bring them to the location, so that you can talk to the dog and can check up if he or she has disease or injury. Make sure that you won’t hurt the dog and yourself.

  2. Observe the dog if they are aggressive or can be handled by you alone, if not ask for authorities to help you catch them.

  3. After you catch them bring them home or to a place where they can be comfortable

  4. If they are now comfortable, try to pet them and connect with them.

  5. After you connect with them and you gain their trust, you must consider bringing them to the vet so that the doctor can check up on them if they are experiencing any sickness or injury.

  6. If you can handle them, or decide that you will keep them then you should let them undergo any treatment or medications that they need after the check-up, if not then you should call the animal shelter that you know or any organization that can help you in finding someone who can take care of them.


  1. PROVIDE A PROTECTED AND CLEAN LIVING ENVIRONMENT FOR YOUR DOG. Shelter from the elements and hazards, as well as good hygiene, are basic to a quality life.

  2. ALWAYS KEEP FRESH WATER AVAILABLE. Maintaining optimal hydration is important for health and energy.

  3. FEED A QUALITY DIET AND PREVENT OBESITY. Overweight humans and animals can adversely affect health in many ways. Follow the dietary recommendations that your veterinarian will make according to the nutritional needs of your dog, based on size, age, level of activity, and breed. Remember to provide healthy treats rather than table scraps, as rewards.

  4. HAS YOUR PET EXAMINED BY A VETERINARIAN ON A REGULAR BASIS? Your veterinarian will provide you with information on vaccination schedules, deworming, and external parasite control. Keep a copy of your pet’s vaccination records in your home or with you when you travel. Contact your veterinarian if you believe that your pet may be ill, injured, or if something just doesn’t seem right. Your veterinarian is the expert on keeping your dog healthy. Work as a team with him or her.

  5. PROVIDE AMPLE OPPORTUNITIES TO EXERCISE. Make sure your dog gets the regular exercise needed to enable it to be fit. By being in shape, your dog will be more capable of participating in the activities that it enjoys.

  6. COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR DOG AND DEVELOP A RELATIONSHIP. Dogs are social creatures and they need to interact with their owner. Quality time will help you get to know your dog and understand particular needs that it might have, as well as enhance your ability to recognize early signs of an illness that could be developing. In addition, time spent in developing a relationship will help prevent many undesirable behavioral patterns.

  7. TRAIN YOUR DOG TO FOLLOW THE SIMPLE COMMANDS. Puppy and dog training classes can be very helpful. The better your dog is at following basic and necessary commands, the greater the chances are that your dog will live a safe and long life.

  8. PRACTICE REPRODUCTIVE CONTROL. If you do not intend to create puppies, spaying or neutering is a certain option. If you plan to breed your dog or are opposed to spaying and neutering for other reasons, take appropriate measures to prevent mismatings. Consult with your veterinarian in regard to other options that are available.

  9. DENTAL CARE IS VERY IMPORTANT. Many breeds are prone to gum disease, which can have serious implications. Infection resulting from this condition leads to premature tooth loss, and can commonly cause infections in major organs, including the heart valves.

  10. DON’T OVERLOOK GROOMING AND NAIL TRIMMING. Long-coated dogs are prone to developing matts and ice balls in their hair. Overgrown nails are common in elderly dogs and can make it more difficult for them to walk. In addition, such nails are much more prone to breaking, which can be quite painful

Based on my personal experience having a dog is a really big help especially in times of need or the moment you are really down. In fact, they are really good listeners. Others say that sometimes we don’t need someone who can give us advice but someone who will just listen to us and dogs are very good at that. When you cry they know that you are sad and they will go beside you and lick your face as if they are comforting you. There are a lot more benefits of having a dog listed below.

  1. You’ll exercise more. Owning a Dog can help you and motivate you to exercise more. They will use their cuteness to convince you to take them for a walk so that you can also have your exercise. A 30 mins walk outside can help you and your dog improve your health.

  2. You’ll feel less stressed. According to studies, dogs help you to reduce your stress levels. Playing with them, interacting with them, or just simply watching them can help to lessen your stress.

  3. Your social life may improve. Your dogs can also help you have a new friend, a date, or simply find the love of your life by walking them to the park. Not only benefiting from exercise but also your social life. Walking your dogs to a park can get you into conversations about your dog.

  4. You may detect cancer sooner. Your dog can help you detect your sickness, especially cancer. A dog’s sense of smell can be very helpful in detecting cancer in a person's body. A lot of people have reported that their dogs sniff and licking different parts of their body often and that they have cancer. The good news is that those people prevented it at an earlier stage.

  5. Your kids will be less likely to have allergies. Many people are offering their dog for adoption for the reason that they will have a baby and the baby might get an allergy if there is a dog around but they might be wrong because living with a dog can help your baby raise their immunity to allergies. Also, dogs can help you babysit your babies. They will have an instant playmate.

  6. Your heart will be healthier. Studies have shown that petting a dog lowers a person’s heart rate. Therefore, dog owners are more likely to have a healthy heart. In fact, some research has shown that dog owners are much more likely to survive a heart attack compared to non-dog owners. Male pet owners in particular tend to experience a reduced rate of heart disease.

  7. You’re less likely to feel depressed. Having a dog can improve your mental health. According to research, dog owners have a less tendency to be depressed. Also, dogs can help people who are diagnosed with depression or other clinical diagnoses that they have.

  8. You can grow old gracefully. When you grow old and you still have a dog, they can help you to be your companion as you grow old. Older people with sickness can be helped by a dog by being there for them and helping them to get their needs.

  9. Your risk for general illness decreases. Dog owners experience fewer health problems. Dog owners tend to have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels compared to non-dog owners. Dogs expose their owners to a lot of germs, which can help build up a human’s immunity to disease. As a result, dog owners get sick less often and less severely than non-dog owners.

  10. You’ll feel safer. Dogs can be an effective home security system. Studies show that barking dogs deter burglars. Just knowing that you’ve got a dog who can use its keen sense of hearing to detect anyone prowling around can help increase your sense of security, which is good for both your mental and physical health.

Written By: Richelle Ann Pantoja Mortell


“How to Help a Stray Pet.” The Humane Society of the United States,

“Ten Tips for Taking Care of Your Dog – Iditarod.” Iditarod Insider,


Morin, Amy. “10 Surprising Benefits Of Having A Dog You Didn't Know About.” Lifehack,

Lifehack, 3 Jan. 2018,


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