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PUSSY 101: Perks of Having a Cat, and How to Take Care of It


Cats are little wanderers, that is why we tend to hear their “meow” everywhere. Well, they do love to stroll, and they often sneak at our windows and doorsteps. However, if we run into one, how are we going to take care of it? First, we have to distinguish if the cat we encountered is an outdoor cat, a feral cat, or a stray cat. According to Dundas Euclid Animal Hospital, we can identify what kind of cat it is through its appearance and behavior. Based on their physicality, outdoor cats normally have a collar, also, a neat, clean, and well-kept coat since they are owned by someone. Meanwhile, stray cats are usually lost, and away from their home, so they usually have unkept or grungy coats. They are also thin because they do not know how to hunt for themselves. Lastly, feral cats are unsocialized and are used to living on their own. They have agile bodies​, acute senses, and fine coordination that is well suited for hunting. Based on their behavior, outdoor cats would most likely be friendly and approachable, feral cats are normally scared of people, and they would immediately run away, while stray cats could be both approachable and scared. If you own a cat who loves to explore outside, you still have to ensure its safety, and your number one worry is your cat getting lost, which is why it is important that your cat can be identified. How? By letting it go out with an ID safety collar that has your name and phone number. They have a high risk of acquiring viruses such as cat flu since they are more exposed, so outdoor cats should be vaccinated. Outdoor cats are more active than those who stay indoors, feed them accordingly and hydrate them with plenty of fresh water.

In 2019, 12 million stray cats and dogs roamed the Philippines. If compassion fills your heart, you will be eager to know how to care for them, because everyone could help them even in the simplest manner. We should not ignore stray cats or any stray animals. In order for us to rescue them, we can provide food, water, and shelter. If we see them injured, we can immediately take them to the vet. Puspins or “pusang pinoy'' also need our love and care as much as purebred companions, so, if we are capable of adopting one, we should do so. Cats having 9 lives is one of the many myths about them. Cats are just independent pets, of course, just like any of us, they can only live once. Another myth is that black cats will give us misfortune, but the truth is, black cats are just like any other cats, in need of affection and love. As someone who used to own a cat, I fell into the trap of the “cats always land on their feet” myth. Well, this happens because of their “righting reflex” wherein they are able to twist around very quickly in the air with the help of their flexible backbones. However, based on Blue Cross for Pets, every year, animal hospitals treat cats that have fallen from great heights. Since the myths that controlled our thinking upon cats have been debunked, let us now explore the actions we shall take and we shall avoid when dealing with stray cats based on Karen Reicheld’s advice. If we see a seemingly lost kitten, we should first monitor the situation and we should not bring them indoors immediately because we should allow their mother to find and comfort them easily when it returns. Our top priority is always the kitten’s safety, and we can assure that by giving them food in moderation such as canned food.

The pandemic has a damaging effect on us, people, especially in our mental health, and stray animals are not exempted. In order for us to help them avoid being euthanized, the best option is to adopt, and if you are looking for the reason why you should own one, you have come to the right page. Many of us are suffering from depression and anxiety, we cannot deny that the pandemic has a contributing factor to our health, therefore, we need emotional support, and cats can be one! The perks of having an emotional support cat is, it can comfort someone with mental health problems, and studies show that cats reduce the stress and blood pressure levels of their owners, lower their anxiety, reduce depression and decrease the feeling of loneliness. It is like a give-and-take relationship, you helped ming-ming by letting it live while ming-ming helps your mental health be better.

Written By: Alyssa Susane Torres


“12 Common Cat Myths Debunked.” Blue Cross, 10 Aug. 2019,


Bichara, Alexandra. “Don't Ignore Homeless Animals-They Need Your Help.” PETA Asia, 19

Aug. 2016,


Hayashi, Yuki. “What to Do with Stray Kittens: 10 Dos and Don'ts.” Canadian Living, 15 Aug.

2011, article/what-to-do-with-stray-


“How to Tell the Difference between a Feral, Stray, and Outdoor Cat.” Dundas Euclid Animal

Hospital, 23 Jan. 2017,

Vila, Alixandra. “Dogs Shot, Cats Starving: Stray Animal Woes in Philippines.” South China

Morning Post, 31 July 2020,


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