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Body Language of Dogs

It is the use of nonverbal communication through bodily behavior, expressions, and mannerisms, which is generally done automatically rather than intentionally. When it comes to the dogs, we can notice their moods depending on their body language. It might be a warning for us so that we will know the secret behind the movements of a certain dog. Understanding dog body language is especially crucial when it comes to preventing dog bites, especially in children.

The tail, ears, and head/body are primarily involved in such movements:


Upright Head - it shows the dog’s attentiveness or aggression.

Lowered Head - it shows that the dog felt some fear or the dog wants some from you.

Moving Head - shows that the dog is feeling playful.

Tilted Head - this is how the dog listens attentively.


Staring – indicates the dog’s aggressiveness.

Avoiding eye contact – indicates that the dog is feeling guilty.


When a dog’s lips curl back to expose clenched teeth - it means that the dog is aggressive.

When a dog’s lips are open with unclenched teeth it means that the dog is relaxed.


Upright - it shows the dog’s attentiveness and aggression.

Ears facing downward - indicate the dog's fear and submission.


Right-biased tail wagging - shows that the dog is relaxed.

Left-biased tail wagging - shows that the dog is more stressed.

Slow versus high-speed - shows a less social signal.

Consequences of Ignoring Body language of dogs

Body language can be used to predict whether or not a dog would bite. Small children are the most common victims of biting, with bites frequently affecting the face.

  • once you ignored it, you might be a target of a dog.

  • you can put yourself in danger.

  • once you ignore it, you can’t identify if the dog is stressed or relaxed.

  • you won’t know how to handle a dog.

Importance of Animals' Body Language

  • It is a good communication skill for a pet.

  • It enables the animals to express their needs.

  • The owner will understand the mood of their pet through their body language.

  • You can avoid doing wrong things that trigger your pet to be aggressive.

  • The owner will know how to control their pet by observing its body language.

  • You can have a good relationship with your pet.

  • You’re allowing your pet to understand you as well.

  • Possibility of sharing emotion with them.

  • Train or teach them good behavior.

Written by: Gladys Joy Romero

Layout Photo by: Lheian Reyes


“Body Language of Dogs.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Dec. 2020,

“Dogs and People: What We Can Learn from Body Language.” Veterinary Practice, 1 Oct.


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